ZAPLab Publications
- Darling et al | 2013 | Early Earth Geochronology | American Journal of Science
Eoarchean to Neoarchean evolution of the Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt: new insights from U-Pb zircon geochronologyDarling, J.R., Moser, D.E., Heaman, L.M., Davis, W.J., O'Neil, J., Carlson, R. (accepted) Eoarchean to Neoarchean evolution of the Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt: new insights from U-Pb zircon geochronology. American Journal of Science. - Erikson et al | 2013 | Impact Geochronology | American Mineralogist
Correlating Planar Microstructures in Shocked Zircon from the Vredefort Dome at Multiple Scales: Crystallographic Modeling, External and Internal Imaging, and EBSD Structural AnalysisErickson, T.M., Cavosie, A. J., Moser, D.E., Barker, I.R., and Radovan, H.A. (2013) Correlating planar microstructures in shocked zircon from the Vredefort Dome at multiple scales: Crystallographic modeling, external & internal imaging, and EBSD structural analysis. American Mineralogist, 98: 53-65. - Erikson et al | 2013 | Impact Geochronology | Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Identification and Provenance Determination of Distally Transported, Vredefort-Derived Shocked Minerals in the Vaal River, South Africa using SEM and SHRIMP-RG TechniquesErickson, T.M., Cavosie, A. J., Moser, D.E., Barker, I.R., and Radovan, H.A., Wooden, J. (2013) Identification and provenance determination of distally transported, Vredefort-derived shocked minerals in the Vaal River, South Africa using SEM and SHRIMP-RG techniques. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 107: 170-188. - Moser et al | 2013 | Meteorite Characterization | Nature
Solving the Martian meteorite age conundrum using micro-baddeleyite and launch-generated zirconMoser, D.E., Chamberlain, K.R., Tait, K.T., Schmitt, A.K., Darling, J.R., Barker, I.R., Hyde, B.C. (2013) Solving the Martian meteorite age conundrum using micro-baddeleyite and launch-generated zircon. Nature 499: 454-457. - Barker et al | 2011 | Bentonite Geochronology | Canadian Journal of Earth Science
High-precision U–Pb zircon ID–TIMS dating of two regionally extensive bentonites: Cenomanian Stage, Western Canada Foreland BasinBarker, I.R., Moser, D.E., Kamo, S.L., and Plint, A.G. (2011) High-Precision U-Pb Zircon ID-TIMS Dating of Two Regionally-Extensive Bentonites: Cenomanian Stage, Western Canada Foreland Basin. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 48: 543-556. - Bowman et al | 2011 | Lower Crustal Geochronology | American Journal of Science
Zircon U-Pb isotope, d18O and trace element response to 80 m.y. of high temperature metamorphism in the lower crust; sluggish diffusion and new records of Archean craton formationBowman, J.R., Moser, D.E., Valley, J.W., Wooden, J., Kita, N., Mazdab, F. (2011) Zircon U-Pb isotope, d18O and trace element response to 80 m.y. of high temperature metamorphism in the lower crust; sluggish diffusion and new records of Archean craton formation. American Journal of Science, 311: 719-772. - Moser et al | 2011 | Impact Geochronology | Canadian Journal of Earth Science
New zircon shock phenomena and their use for dating and reconstruction of large impact structures revealed by electron nanobeam (EBSD, CL, EDS) and isotopic U–Pb and (U–Th)/He analysis of the Vredefort domeMoser, D.E., Cupelli, C. L., Barker, I., Flowers, R.M., Bowman, J.R., Wooden, J., Hart, R. (2011) New zircon shock phenomena and their use for dating and reconstruction of large impact structures revealed by electron nanobeam (EBSD, CL, EDS) and isotopic U-Pb and (U-Th)/He analysis of the Vredefort dome. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; 48: 117-139. - Cavosie et al | 2010 | Impact Geochronology | Geological Society of America Bulletin
A record of ancient cataclysm in modern sand: Shock microstructures in detrital minerals from the Vaal River, Vredefort Dome, South AfricaCavosie, A.J., Quintero, R.R., Radovan, H.A., Moser, D.E. (2010) A record of ancient cataclysm in modern sand: Shock microstructures in detrital minerals from the Vaal River, Vredefort Dome, South Africa. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 122: 1968-1980. - Izawa et al | 2010 | Meteorite Characterization | Planetary and Space Science
Multi-technique investigation reveals new mineral, chemical, and textural heterogeneity in the Tagish Lake C2 chondriteIzawa, M.R.M., Flemming, R.L., McCausland, P.J.A., Southam, G., Moser, D.E., Barker, I.R. (2010) Multi-technique investigation reveals new mineral, chemical, and textural heterogeneity in the Tagish Lake C2 chondrite. Planetary and Space Science, 58: 1347-1364. - Moser et al | 2009 | Impact Geochronology | Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Zircon U-Pb strain chronometry reveals deep impact-triggered flowMoser, D.E., Davis, W.J., Reddy, S.R., Flemming, R.L., and Hart, R.J. (2009) Zircon U-Pb strain chronometry reveals deep impact-triggered flow. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277: 73-79. - Moser et al | 2008 | Lower Crustal Geochronology | Geology
Creation of a continent recorded in zircon zoningMoser, D.E., Bowman, J.R., Wooden, J., Valley, J.W., Mazdab, F., Kita, N. (2008) Creation of a continent recorded in zircon zoning. Geology, 36: 239–242. - Moser et al | 2001 | Lower Crustal Geochronology | Science
Birth of the Kaapvaal tectosphere 3.08 billion years agoMoser, D.E., Flowers, R., and Hart, R.J. (2001) Birth of the Kaapvaal tectosphere 3.08 billion years ago. Science, 291: 465-468. - Moser | 1997 | Impact Geochronology | Geology
Dating the shock wave and thermal imprint of the giant Vredefort impact, South AfricaMoser, D.E. (1997) Dating the shock wave and thermal imprint of the giant Vredefort impact, South Africa. Geology, 25: 7-10.
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