ZAPLab Instrumentation
The ZAPLab at UWO houses a state of the art suite of sample preparation, optical and electron-beam instrumentation. We are able to analyze many different geological materials including geochronologically important minerals, astro-materials, fossilized materials, as well as full geological thin-sections and slabs. In addition, we have experience with alloys, biological material and plastics.
Electron Nanobeam (FE-SEM) Capabilities:
- Secondary Electron Imaging up to 350,000x (Topography)
- Backscatter Election Imaging (Average Atomic and Orientation Contrast)
- Energy Dispersive Spectrometry ( Major and Minor Qualitative and Quantitative Elemental)
- Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry (Trace Quantitative Elemental)
- Nano-scale High resolution Electron Backscatter Diffraction (Orientation, Strain and Phase-ID)
- Colour Cathodoluminescence (Mapping variations in trace element and defect concentration)
- Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (nano-scale imaging, transmission kikuchi diffraction)
Sample processing/preparation:
- Electric Pulse Disaggregator (EPD) for mineral disaggregation
- Steel Plate and Piston and a shatter box for sample crushing
- Wilfley Table water separation
- Frantz electromagnet separation
- Hydro-Separator for density mineral separation
- Sieving
- Lithium Sodium Poly-Tungstate (LST) heavy liquid separation
- Low Speed Saw with Diamond Waffering Blade for sectioning small samples
- Epoxy Moulds to make 1" round epoxy pucks
- Polishing wheels for sectioning grains, and polishing sections. We have many fine grit pads (30 to 0.05 micron).
- Vibratory EBSD-quality colloidal alumina polishing
- Edwards evaporative carbon coater to prepare samples for electron beam instrumentation
Also from this web page:
Our Department:
The Department of Earth Sciences
At the University of Western Ontario
ZAPLab Instrumentation:
- Hitachi SU6600 FEG-SEM
- Inca X-Max EDS
- Inca Wave WDS
- Gatan ChromaCL
- CNT-MC Spark-3 EPD
- Optical Imaging
- Hitachi S2500 SEM